Ledge isn't edge of your seat

Barry C Chung
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Barry C Chung |

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In yet another uninspired role, Sam Worthington gives us yet another reason to question his acting chops, bringing his 2012 record thus far to a dismal zero for two.

Man on a Ledge is just what the blunt title suggests. Worthington's character, Nick, escapes from prison and steps out on the ledge of a New York hotel. So police negotiator Lydia (Elizabeth Banks) is called to the scene. It appears he's intent on taking his life, but course it's not that simple.

Nick is an ex-cop who was recently imprisoned for the alleged theft of a US$40 million diamond owned by real estate mogul David Englander (Ed Harris). Nick insists he's innocent and Englander still has the rock.

His plan is to create a big scene to distract the police and public so his brother, Joey (Jamie Bell), and Joey's girlfriend, Angie (Genesis Rodriguez), (in what's the world's most unlikely couple) can steal the diamond this time for real.

The ludicrous premise has more holes than Swiss cheese. I seriously doubt the presence of Nick on the ledge would be enough of a distraction to allow two amateur thieves to break into a heavily guarded building and a top-notch vault.

Major plot points can be anticipated well in advance. There's not much by way of suspense or twists - an important component of heist thrillers - except maybe for Nick's method of getting off the ledge in the end.

YP Rating: 2/5

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