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Compiled by Young Wang
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Every Monday we ask our Brain Game contestants one interesting, thought-provoking or just plain quirky question. Their answers will be published anonymously in Young Post. Then readers can vote for their FAVOURITE answer. We will eliminate the contestant with the LEAST votes every week until we have a winner.

The ultimate Brain Game winner will receive Sony's new high-resolution digital music player with headphones.

The Contestants

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This round we asked: What are people usually surprised to find out about you?


Contestant 1 

There are so many mysteries to me: my crazy side, my weird side, my playful side, my serious side ... the list is just too long. However, if there is one thing people find really surprising about me, it's who I really am. 

On the outside, I look like a person who takes studies very seriously, wouldn't like a social life, and is very number-oriented. There's a reason for this: I look older than my actual age. "Wait. You're in Year 10? You look so mature!" is something I've heard more times than I can remember. 

Contestant 2 

After living in Hong Kong for a long time, people expect me to know its maze-like streets and complicated MTR network like the back of my hand. Unfortunately, I don't. 

I once proudly claimed that at least I knew Jordan, the district where I live, lies on the Tuen Mun MTR line. Jordan is actually on the Tsuen Wan line, and to make matters worse, I was told that a Tuen Mun line doesn't even exist.

My sister says I could even get lost inside a cardboard box. Well, I am not that bad ... I think. 

Contestant 3 

The fact that I know four languages surprises many people. Growing up in a multicultural environment and meeting people from different backgrounds has broadened my horizons.

Contestant 4 

Here's the big surprise about me: I am a fan of Taylor Swift. It's a harsh world for male Swifties like me, because this revelation is followed by looks of horror. Many people find it hard to understand that under my ultra-manly exterior is a 12-year-old girl that enjoys listening to the country music star. #swiftieforlife

Contestant 5 

Many people are shocked to hear that I watch a lot of TV, from Orange is the New Black to Kuroko No Basuke to Game of Thrones. I even watch DVDs of Friends, which stopped showing 10 years ago. I am absolutely fascinated with TV - it's a dark place that I can't escape from, but I like it.

Contestant 6 

Upon first introductions, I tend to be quite shy and reserved. However, after getting over the initial discomfort, I try to strike up a casual conversation. 

A typical question directed at me is: "So where are you from?" "Guess," I respond. The majority of answers include America. They're surprised to find out I'm Filipino. It's probably the accent acquired from endless hours of watching Disney Channel.

Contestant 7 

My age. I just really don't understand why others want to grow taller. I mean, who wants to look older? And because of my taller-than-average height, I've got to act mature. I have to fake-chat "politely" like an adult, and I'm always the one to carry heavy objects from one place to another. 

I'd like to lose height, so I can tear off my mask and be my true self again. Then my outward appearance won't mislead others, and they'll be able to understand the "real" me.

Contestant 8 

 Every time I tell others about my dream, which is to be a great chef like Gordon Ramsay, they are just astonished. 

It's not hard to explain why they are so surprised. They know I'm a creative person and that painting is one of my main interests. So I'm most likely to be a painter, not a chef. Still, they give me their full support. Hopefully I can become a famous chef when my life will be all about cooking.

Contestant 9 

Unlike the typical hairless, pale, straight-haired, cute-eyed, tiny Nepalese girls (I am not being racist; I think you all are beautiful!), I happen to be out-of-this-world hairy, with large eyes, wavy hair and a rather tanned skin. So people are shocked when I start speaking Nepali. I clearly do not look Nepalese, but I am one of them. This is one fact that people struggle to swallow.  

Contestant 10 

People are usually surprised to find out that I get good grades (relatively at least), although I play a lot of computer games. I actually work really hard on my homework and hand it in on time.

*In case of dispute, Young Post reserves the right to decide the result

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